Create a trusted and sustainable bunker supply chain ecosystem

Reduce the cost of fuel fraud

CLIENT STORY: Ridgebury Tankers uses FuelTrust ‘Digital Chemist’ to prove fleet emissions reductions and cut carbon liabilities. Learn more >>

Powering Better Decisions with FuelTrust

FuelTrust manages the energy supply chain lifecycle to cut emissions, fraud, and costs, through deep insight, advanced AI, and industry specific solutions.

Make compliance transparent

Identify potential fuel fraud and engine risks

Minimize supply chain friction and costs

Reduce carbon and sulfur emissions

Discover where and how bunker risk is created

Imagine having full transparency into every touchpoint—from origin to destination—across the marine fuel lifecycle. That’s what Risk Provenance is all about. Less risk means less worry, and less financial impact to the bottom line.

FuelTrust Bunker Insights

Gain visibility into the lifecycle of the quality, quantity, and compatibility of your bunker fuel.

FuelTrust Carbon Baseline

Get a validated historic carbon baseline in weeks, not months.


Reduce the cost of fuel fraud

The $120B maritime bunker fuel market is rife with fraudulent behavior resulting in enormous losses—from common practices—that can be corrected through trusted bunker technology that enables better transparency.

Download The Cost of Fraud in the Maritime Fuel Market whitepaper to learn where fraud can occur and how you can reduce fraud and create a trusted fuel ecosystem.

Drive decarbonization through data transparency

Driven by economic concerns, environmental goals, regulatory changes, and customer demands, decarbonization efforts are at the forefront of a significant transformation in maritime technologies and operations.

Learn how data transparency across the maritime industry can provide the insight and trust needed for a real-time view into the bunker supply chain—from origin to delivery.

By participating in FuelTrust’s ecosystem, Stone Oil is able to measure the outcomes of its ESG efforts towards decarbonization not only for ourselves, but for our clients as well.

Tony Odak
COO, Stone Oil
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Our commitment to operating a sustainable business means that when we add a tanker to our fleet of vessels, we first consider how our investment will benefit the environment. Working with FuelTrust gives a higher level of detail and accuracy about how our investments affect emissions in any scenario. For the benefit of our seafarers, our investors, and the environment, we can use this insight to deliver measurable improvements to our vessels.


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